Visual Analytics for NASCAR Motorsports
Volume 23, Issue 1 (2025), pp. 149–170
Pub. online: 2 July 2024
Type: Data Science In Action
Open Access
4 February 2024
4 February 2024
7 June 2024
7 June 2024
2 July 2024
2 July 2024
The National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is ranked among the top ten most popular sports in the United States. NASCAR events are characterized by on-track racing punctuated by pit stops since cars must refuel, replace tires, and modify their setup throughout a race. A well-executed pit stop can allow drivers to gain multiple seconds on their opponents. Strategies around when to pit and what to perform during a pit stop are under constant evaluation. One currently unexplored area is publically available communication between each driver and their pit crew during the race. Due to the many hours of audio, manual analysis of even one driver’s communications is prohibitive. We propose a fully automated approach to analyze driver–pit crew communication. Our work was conducted in collaboration with NASCAR domain experts. Audio communication is converted to text and summarized using cluster-based Latent Dirichlet Analysis to provide an overview of a driver’s race performance. The transcript is then analyzed to extract important events related to pit stops and driving balance: understeer (pushing) or oversteer (over-rotating). Named entity recognition (NER) and relationship extraction provide context to each event. A combination of the race summary, events, and real-time race data provided by NASCAR are presented using Sankey visualizations. Statistical analysis and evaluation by our domain expert collaborators confirmed we can accurately identify important race events and driver interactions, presented in a novel way to provide useful, important, and efficient summaries and event highlights for race preparation and in-race decision-making.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialPython code for: (1) processing the transcribed driver–pit crew text, and (2) generating a web-based visualization of important events for a user-selected race and one or more drivers have been uploaded to the GitHub repository Instructions on how to run the code are shown in the file.
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