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The slides from a workshop on writing for the Journal of Data Science are useful for understanding our expectations, avoiding common mistakes, and addressing reviewers' comments: pdf slides.
The following requirements are followed as closely as possible. A technically acceptable manuscript that fails to follow these requirements may be returned for retyping, leading to a delay in publication. We only accept submissions in PDF format. The LaTeX source files must be provided after the manuscript is accepted.
Submission of papers
Submission of a manuscript must be the original work of the author(s) and have not been published elsewhere or under consideration for another publication, or a substantially similar form in any language.
Authors are encouraged to recommend three to five individuals (along with their research fields and e-mail addresses) who are qualified to serve as referees for their papers.
In submitting a manuscript of a research article to the “Journal of Data Science”, the corresponding author certifies that he/she is authorized by his/her co-authors to enter into these arrangements, and he/she guarantees and warrants, on behalf of himself/herself and his/her co-authors, that he/she agrees to the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 agreement, under the article in the Journal is licensed and he/she grants VTeX permission to publish the unpublished and original Article, the abstract forming part thereof, all associated supplemental material, and subsequent, if necessary, errata in the Journal under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY-4.0).
Manuscript preparation
All manuscripts should be written in English. Letters are generally no more than three journal pages. The supporting organization and the grant number should be given at the end of the manuscript.
LaTeX template: For LaTeX users, please consider using our Latex template ( For papers that includes code demonstrations (e.g., papers on software packages), please consider using Rmd template (
Length: Limit the whole paper to under 20 pages in production style. This helps with our fast review process.
Title: The title of the paper should be concise but informative.
Author name(s): A list of all authors, as well as corresponding addresses, should be provided on the title page. Authors’ names should be given in a consistent form on all publications to facilitate indexing. It will be better if the fax number(s), e-mail address(es), and telephone number(s) are all provided.
Abstract: The abstract should be less than 250 words. It should be informative, without descriptive words or citations, and contain the major conclusions and quantitative results or other significant items in the paper. Together with the title, the abstract must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper and will be used as a base for indexing.
The main body of the paper: The body of the paper should include all the information of the research, with appropriate sectioning.
Formulas: Formulas should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered consecutively in round brackets on the right-hand side of the page. Notations are to be defined before the sentence where they are introduced completes.
Notations: Notations must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. All unusual symbols whose identity may not be obvious, including subscript or superscript, must be made comprehensible. Physical and mathematical variables should be in italic, vectors in boldface. Units, abbreviations, and special functions should be upright. Please add notes to explain any other special symbols.
Figures: Figures should be original vector graphics with high contrast, suitable for immediate reproduction, numbered, and with self-contained captions. In the figures, the main lines should be about 0.3 mm in width, and the assistant lines 0.15 mm. Notations in the figures should be distinct and consistent with the same ones in the text, and their font size will be 7-9 pt. Each figure should have its own caption. For photographs, the original photos must be supplied with good contrast and clearly distinguishable details. Figures are not to be end-floated in LaTeX. Raster graphs are to be avoided (jpg, png, bmp, etc., which blur when zoomed in).
Tables: Tables, numbered in order of appearance, should be appended on separate sheets and identified with appropriate titles. The table title, which should be brief, goes above the table. A detailed description of its contents or table footnotes could be given directly below the body of the table. Tables are not to be end-floated in LaTeX.
Reproducibility: The journal holds reproducible data science high. Data (if not proprietary) and code, with reasonable documentation, are to be submitted as a supplement which will be published online. Our reproducibility-checking team will check when the review process concludes.
Supplementary Material: As an unnumbered section, list the content of the online supplement (e.g., data, code, additional simulation results, technical proofs, etc.). See recently published papers for examples.
References: References must be published work, and cited with the author-year style (with our bib style in our LaTeX template). References should be listed individually at the end of the text. All of the references’ authors, as well as the titles of the referenced articles, should be given. Here are some examples of how to set the most common reference types:
Journals: M. Zhang, P. Ye, F. Zhang, Y. Zhao, and J. Wang, NOLM-based wavelength conversion with FBG band-pass filter for optical packet switching, Chin. Opt. Lett. 1, 3 (2003).
Books: N. Bloembergen, Nonlinear Optics (Benjamin, New York, 1965).
Conference proceedings: R. E. Kalman, “A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems”, in Proceedings of Advanced Seminar on Generalized Inverse and Applications, M. Z. Nashed, ed. (Academic, San Diego, CA, USA, 1976), p. 111.
Patents: A. C. Hart, Jr., R. G. Huff, and K. L. Walker, “Method of making a fiber having low polarization mode dispersion due to a permanent spin”, U.S. patent 5,298,047 (March 29, 1994).
Dissertations: K. L. Corwin, “A circularly-polarized optical dipole trap and other developments in laser trapping of atoms”, PhD. Thesis (University of Colorado, 1999).
Online references: H. R. Sheikh, Z. Wang, L. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, “Live image quality assessment database release 2”, (September 8, 2006).
Authors will receive a letter informing them whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected in 6 weeks. Authors should return their revisions to the Manuscript Office within one month of receipt. When an article has been amended in compliance with the comments of the referee(s), an electronic file of the final version should be sent with the revised manuscript. Proofs will be sent to the authors and should be returned preferably within 48 hours to avoid publication delays.
The authors keep their copyrights. The Journal of Data Science publishes the articles under the CC-BY 4.0 license.
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