Tuning Support Vector Machines and Boosted Trees Using Optimization Algorithms
Volume 22, Issue 4 (2024), pp. 575–590
Pub. online: 5 July 2023
Type: Computing In Data Science
Open Access
17 March 2023
17 March 2023
29 May 2023
29 May 2023
5 July 2023
5 July 2023
Statistical learning methods have been growing in popularity in recent years. Many of these procedures have parameters that must be tuned for models to perform well. Research has been extensive in neural networks, but not for many other learning methods. We looked at the behavior of tuning parameters for support vector machines, gradient boosting machines, and adaboost in both a classification and regression setting. We used grid search to identify ranges of tuning parameters where good models can be found across many different datasets. We then explored different optimization algorithms to select a model across the tuning parameter space. Models selected by the optimization algorithm were compared to the best models obtained through grid search to select well performing algorithms. This information was used to create an R package, EZtune, that automatically tunes support vector machines and boosted trees.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialThe following supplementary material are available: Appendixes A: Description of optimization algorithms B: Performance tables R-package for EZtune: R-package EZtune that can implement autotuning of SVMs, GBMs, and adaboost using the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm and genetic algorithm. The package also contains Lichen and Mullein datasets used in the examples in the article. The package is currently available on CRAN and updates are available at https://github.com/jillbo1000/EZtune (GNU zipped tar file). Code and data for creating grids and performing optimization tests: The code and data used to create the error and time response surfaces and the code for testing the optimization algorithms is available at https://github.com/jillbo1000/autotune.
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