Efficient Bayesian High-Dimensional Classification via Random Projection with Application to Gene Expression Data
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 152–172
Pub. online: 12 June 2023
Type: Computing In Data Science
Open Access
10 January 2023
10 January 2023
26 April 2023
26 April 2023
12 June 2023
12 June 2023
Inspired by the impressive successes of compress sensing-based machine learning algorithms, data augmentation-based efficient Gibbs samplers for Bayesian high-dimensional classification models are developed by compressing the design matrix to a much lower dimension. Ardent care is exercised in the choice of the projection mechanism, and an adaptive voting rule is employed to reduce sensitivity to the random projection matrix. Focusing on the high-dimensional Probit regression model, we note that the naive implementation of the data augmentation-based Gibbs sampler is not robust to the presence of co-linearity in the design matrix – a setup ubiquitous in $n\lt p$ problems. We demonstrate that a simple fix based on joint updates of parameters in the latent space circumnavigates this issue. With a computationally efficient MCMC scheme in place, we introduce an ensemble classifier by creating R ($\sim 25$–50) projected copies of the design matrix, and subsequently running R classification models with the R projected design matrix in parallel. We combine the output from the R replications via an adaptive voting scheme. Our scheme is inherently parallelizable and capable of taking advantage of modern computing environments often equipped with multiple cores. The empirical success of our methodology is illustrated in elaborate simulations and gene expression data applications. We also extend our methodology to a high-dimensional logistic regression model and carry out numerical studies to showcase its efficacy.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialSoftware implementation of the methodologies developed in the article is available for use at zovialpapai/Bayesian-classification-with-random-projection. Here, we present a short description about the directories in the repository, as follows: (1) functions: The directory contains utility functions in two R scripts, that are utilised in the repeated simulations and real data analysis conducted in the paper. (a) “BCC_Functions.R” contains functions for compression matrix generation; Probit regression via Albert & Chib and Holmes & Held data augmentation schemes; Logit regression via Polya-Gamma data augmentation scheme; hyper-parameter tuning; and associated helper functions. (b) Probit_HH_cpp.R contains Probit regression via Holmes & Held data augmentation scheme, written in Rcpp. (2) repeated simulations : The directory contains three R scripts, named BCC_sims.R, Weakleaners.R, and time_comparison.R. (a) BCC_sims.R can be utilised to carry out the simulations presented in Section 3 on High-dimensional Probit regression, and Section 5 on High-dimensional Logit regression, along with hyper-parameter tuning. (b) Weakleaners.R can be utilized to study the effect of number of replications of compression matrix (or number of weak classifiers) on the accuracy of classifiers AC, AC+, HH, HH+. The results are presented in Section 3. (c) time_comparison.R can be utilised to study comparative computional time of our classifiers. The results are presented in Section 3. (3) data : Micro-array gene expression cancer data sets utilized in the article is freely available on the website data.mendeley.com. Copies of the data sets are available in the data directory in the our repository. (4) real data analysis : The directory contains the a R script named BCC_data.R that can be utilised to carry out the analysis of micro-array gene expression cancer data sets (Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Prostate cancer), presented in Section 4 of the paper.
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