The unknown or unobservable risk factors in the survival analysis cause heterogeneity between individuals. Frailty models are used in the survival analysis to account for the unobserved heterogeneity in individual risks to disease and death. To analyze the bivariate data on related survival times, the shared frailty models were suggested. The most common shared frailty model is a model in which frailty act multiplicatively on the hazard function. In this paper, we introduce the shared inverse Gaussian frailty model with the reversed hazard rate and the generalized inverted exponential distribution and the generalized exponential distribution as baseline distributions. We introduce the Bayesian estimation procedure using Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) technique to estimate the parameters involved in the models. We present a simulation study to compare the true values of the parameters with the estimated values. Also we apply the proposed models to the Australian twin data set and a better model is suggested.