Abstract. Unemployment is one of the most important issues in macro economics. Unemployment creates many economic and social problems in the economy. The condition and qualification of labor force in a country show economical developments. In the light of these facts, a developing country should overcome the problem of unemployment. In this study, the performance of robust biased Robust Ridge Regression (RRR), Robust Principal Component Regression (RPCR) and RSIMPLS methods are compared with each other and their classical versions known as Ridge Regression (RR), Principal Component Regression (PCR) and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) in terms of predictive ability by using trimmed Root Mean Squared Error (TRMSE) statistic in case of both of multicollinearity and outliers existence in an unemployment data set of Turkey. Analysis results show that RRR model is chosen as the best model for determining unemployment rate in Turkey for the period of 1985-2012. Robust biased RRR method showed that the most important independent variable effecting the unemployment rate is Purchasing Power Parities (PPP). The least important variables effecting the unemployment rate are Import Growth Rate (IMP) and Export Growth Rate (EXP). Hence, any increment in PPP cause an important increment in unemployment rate, however, any increment in IMP causes an unimportant increase in unemployment rate. Any increment in EXP causes an unimportant decrease in unemployment rate.
Abstract:Air pollution shows itself as a serious problem in big cities in Turkey, especially for winter seasons. Particulate atmospheric pollution in urban areas is considered to have significant impact on human health. Therefore, the ability to make accurate predictions of particulate ambient concentrations is important to improve public awareness and air quality management. Ambient PM10 (i.e particulate diameter less than 10um in size) pollution has negative impacts on human health and it is influenced by meteorological conditions. In this study, partial least squares regression, principal component regression, ridge regression and multiple linear regression methods are compared in modeling and predicting daily mean PM10 concentrations on the base of various meteorological parameters obtained for the city of Ankara, in Turkey. The analysed period is February 2007. The results show that while multiple linear regression and ridge regression yield somewhat better results for fitting to this dataset, principal component regression and partial least squares regression are better than both of them in terms of prediction of PM10 values for future datasets. In addition, partial least squares regression is the remarkable method in terms of predictive ability as it has a close performance with principal component regression even with less number of factors.
Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLSDA) is a statistical method for classification and consists of a classical Partial Least Squares Regression in which the dependent variable is a categorical one expressing the class membership of each observation. The aim of this study is both analyzing the performance of PLSDA method in classifying 28 European Union (EU) member countries and 7 candidate countries (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia FYR, Turkey moreover including potential candidates Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosova) correctly to their pre-defined classes (candidate or member) and determining the economic and/or demographic indicators, which are effective in classifying, by using the data set obtained from database of the World Bank.