Abstract: We study the spatial distribution of clusters associated to the aftershocks of the megathrust Maule earthquake MW 8.8 of 27 February 2010. We used a recent clustering method which hinges on a nonparametric estimation of the underlying probability density function to detect subsets of points forming clusters associated with high density areas. In addition, we estimate the probability density function using a nonparametric kernel method for each of these clusters. This allows us to identify a set of regions where there is an association between frequency of events and coseismic slip. Our results suggest that high coseismic slip is spatially related to high aftershock frequency.
Abstract: This article extends the recent work of V¨annman and Albing (2007) regarding the new family of quantile based process capability indices (qPCI) CMA(τ, v). We develop both asymptotic parametric and nonparametric confidence limits and testing procedures of CMA(τ, v). The kernel density estimator of process was proposed to find the consistent estimator of the variance of the nonparametric consistent estimator of CMA(τ, v). Therefore, the proposed procedure is ready for practical implementation to any processes. Illustrative examples are also provided to show the steps of implementing the proposed methods directly on the real-life problems. We also present a simulation study on the sample size required for using asymptotic results.