Abstract: A new distribution, called Odds Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution (OGEED) is proposed for modeling lifetime data. A comprehensive account of the mathematical properties of the new distribution including estimation and simulation issues is presented. A data set has been analyzed to illustrate its applicability.
Abstract: To analyze skewed data, skew normal distribution is proposed by Azzalini (1985). For practical problems of estimating the skewness parame ter of this distribution, Gupta and Gupta (2008) suggested power normal dis tribution as an alternative. We search for another alternative, named tilted normal distribution following the approach of Marshall and Olkin (1997) to add a positive parameter to a general survival function and taking survival function is of normal form. We have found out different properties of this distribution. Maximum likelihood estimate of parameters of this distribu tion have been found out. Comparison of tilted normal distribution with skew normal and power normal distribution have been made.