Adapting the Extended Neyman’s Smooth Test to Be Used in Accelerated Failure Time Models
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 271–294
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Research Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
Abstract: Accelerated life testing (ALT) has gained greater importance because of dealing with high reliability units. As a result, there is a big need to use a goodness of fit (GOF) technique for testing the underlying lifetime distribution. But there is a difficulty due to the existence of several stress levels with different samples of units at each level. Then, the choice of a certain GOF technique is based on its capability to combine the failure times from all stress levels to reach a conclusion about the adequacy of a certain lifetime distribution at each stress level. In this paper, the extended Neyman’s smooth test (ENST) is chosen. It is then modified in order to be used in validating the distributional assumption of accelerated failure time (AFT) model. This modified method is called; the adapted extended Neyman’s smooth test (AENST). It is applied to test for both Weibull and exponential distributions in case of constant stress under complete sampling. To check the performance of the AENST, a comparison is made with the conditional probability integral transformation test (CPITT) via a simulation study. Moreover, a real data set is provided to illustrate the application of the introduced AENST. The results revealed that the AENST is a powerful test comparing with the CPITT. Thus, the AENST is recommended for testing the AFT models.