Comparing Estimators of Discriminative Performance of Time-to-Event Models
Pub. online: 18 February 2025
Type: Statistical Data Science
Open Access
5 June 2024
5 June 2024
1 January 2025
1 January 2025
18 February 2025
18 February 2025
Predicting the timing and occurrence of events is a major focus of data science applications, especially in the context of biomedical research. Performance for models estimating these outcomes, often referred to as time-to-event or survival outcomes, is frequently summarized using measures of discrimination, in particular time-dependent AUC and concordance. Many estimators for these quantities have been proposed which can be broadly categorized as either semi-parametric estimators or non-parametric estimators. In this paper, we review the mathematical construction of the two classes of estimators and compare their behavior. Importantly, we identify a previously unknown feature of the class of semi-parametric estimators that can result in vastly overoptimistic out-of-sample estimation of discriminative performance in common applied tasks. Although these semi-parametric estimators are popular in practice, the phenomenon we identify here suggests that this class of estimators may be inappropriate for use in model assessment and selection based on out-of-sample evaluation criteria. This is due to the semi-parametric estimators’ bias in favor of models that are overfit when using out-of-sample prediction criteria (e.g. cross-validation). Non-parametric estimators, which do not exhibit this behavior, are highly variable for local discrimination. We propose to address the high variability problem through penalized regression splines smoothing. The behavior of various estimators of time-dependent AUC and concordance are illustrated via a simulation study using two different mechanisms that produce overoptimistic out-of-sample estimates using semi-parametric estimators. Estimators are further compared using a case study using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011–2014.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialThe supplementary material includes additional information that is relevant but not included in the manuscript, including figures, mathematical derivation and data file used for the data application section. It also includes a zipped file containing code scripts to reproduce the results presented above. Here is a brief summary of is content:
outlier_exp.R: to generate data and produce Figure 1 in the Introduction.
Simulation: code scripts used to implement the simulation study.
Sim_overfit.R: for the first scenario of model overfit in Section 3.2.1.
Sim_contamination.R: for the second scenario of covariate misalignment in Section 3.2.2.
helpers.R: functions to calculate discussed estimators.
trueAUC.R: calculate the true values of incident/dynamic AUC.
SimFigs.R: produce Figures 2 and 3.
DataAppl: scripts to reproduce the data application section.
data_appl.R: scripts to reproduce the data application results.
helpers_appl.R: functions to calculate discussed estimators.
DataApplFigs.R: produce Figure 4.
SuppFigs.R: to produce figures included in the supplement.
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