Variable Importance Measures for Multivariate Random Forests
Volume 23, Issue 1 (2025), pp. 243–263
Pub. online: 18 September 2024
Type: Statistical Data Science
Open Access
This work is part of the first author’s dissertation research with the second and third authors as dissertation advisors.
31 October 2023
31 October 2023
24 August 2024
24 August 2024
18 September 2024
18 September 2024
Multivariate random forests (or MVRFs) are an extension of tree-based ensembles to examine multivariate responses. MVRF can be particularly helpful where some of the responses exhibit sparse (e.g., zero-inflated) distributions, making borrowing strength from correlated features attractive. Tree-based algorithms select features using variable importance measures (VIMs) that score each covariate based on the strength of dependence of the model on that variable. In this paper, we develop and propose new VIMs for MVRFs. Specifically, we focus on the variable’s ability to achieve split improvement, i.e., the difference in the responses between the left and right nodes obtained after splitting the parent node, for a multivariate response. Our proposed VIMs are an improvement over the default naïve VIM in existing software and allow us to investigate the strength of dependence both globally and on a per-response basis. Our simulation studies show that our proposed VIM recovers the true predictors better than naïve measures. We demonstrate usage of the VIMs for variable selection in two empirical applications; the first is on Amazon Marketplace data to predict Buy Box prices of multiple brands in a category, and the second is on ecology data to predict co-occurrence of multiple, rare bird species. A feature of both data sets is that some outcomes are sparse — exhibiting a substantial proportion of zeros or fixed values. In both cases, the proposed VIMs when used for variable screening give superior predictive accuracy over naïve measures.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialIn our Online Supplement, we have included pseudo-codes on the MVRF ensemble build using sub-bagging procedure, proposed SI-based VIMs with significant splits, and the proposed RFE strategy of our iterative variable selection method. We have also included the variable choices in the simulation design; box plots and confidence intervals of top features selected by our proposed VIMs from the Amazon application on Luggage category.
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