Nonparametric Inference for Inverse Probability Weighted Estimators with a Randomly Truncated Sample
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2012), pp. 673–691
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Research Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
Abstract: A randomly truncated sample appears when the independent variables T and L are observable if L < T. The truncated version Kaplan-Meier estimator is known to be the standard estimation method for the marginal distribution of T or L. The inverse probability weighted (IPW) estimator was suggested as an alternative and its agreement to the truncated version Kaplan-Meier estimator has been proved. This paper centers on the weak convergence of IPW estimators and variance decomposition. The paper shows that the asymptotic variance of an IPW estimator can be decom posed into two sources. The variation for the IPW estimator using known weight functions is the primary source, and the variation due to estimated weights should be included as well. Variance decomposition establishes the connection between a truncated sample and a biased sample with know prob abilities of selection. A simulation study was conducted to investigate the practical performance of the proposed variance estimators, as well as the relative magnitude of two sources of variation for various truncation rates. A blood transfusion data set is analyzed to illustrate the nonparametric inference discussed in the paper.