In this paper, we introduce some new families of generalized Pareto distributions using the T-R{Y} framework. These families of distributions are named T-Pareto{Y} families, and they arise from the quantile functions of exponential, log-logistic, logistic, extreme value, Cauchy and Weibull distributions. The shapes of these T-Pareto families can be unimodal or bimodal, skewed to the left or skewed to the right with heavy tail. Some general properties of the T-Pareto{Y} family are investigated and these include the moments, modes, mean deviations from the mean and from the median, and Shannon entropy. Several new generalized Pareto distributions are also discussed. Four real data sets from engineering, biomedical and social science are analyzed to demonstrate the flexibility and usefulness of the T-Pareto{Y} families of distributions.
Abstract: Background: A fixed effects meta-analysis of ten exercise training in trials heart failure patients was conducted. The aim of this current work was to compare different approaches to meta-analysis using the same dataset from the previous work on ten exercise training trials in heart failure patients. Methods: The following different meta-analysis techniques were used to analyse the data and compared the effects of exercise training on BNP, NT pro-BNP and peak VO2 before and after exercise training: (1) Trial level (traditional) level MA i) Follow up (post-exercise training intervention) outcome only. ii) Baseline-follow up difference (2) Patient level MA by Post-Stage ANCOVA i)naive model does not take into account trial level ii) Single Stage iii) Two Stage (3) Post outcome only i) Single stage ii) Pre-post outcome difference Single stage Results: The Individual patient data (IPD) analyses produced smaller effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals compared to conventional meta analysis. The advantage of the one-stage model is that it allows sub-group analyses, while the two-stage model is considered more robust but limited for sub-analyses. Conclusions: Our recommendation is to use one-stage or two-stage ANCOVA analysis, the former allows sub-group analysis, while the latter is considered to be more technically robust.
In this article, the maximum likelihood estimators of the k independent exponential populations parameters are obtained based on joint progressive type- I censored (JPC-I) scheme. The Bayes estimators are also obtained by considering three different loss functions. The approximate confidence, two Bootstrap confidence and the Bayes credible intervals for the unknown parameters are discussed. A simulated and real data sets are analyzed to illustrate the theoretical results.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to develop a method for detection of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) based on visual analysis of facial movements. We analyse the motion of colour markers placed on the locations of interest on subjects faces in the video frames. We measured several features from motion patterns of the markers that can be used to distinguish between different classes. In our approach, both static and dynamic features are measured from a number of time sequences for classification of the subjects. A measure of nonlinear dynamics of the variations in the movement of colour markers positioned on the subjects faces was obtained via estimating the maximum Lyapunov exponent. Static features such as the number of outliers and kurtosis have also been evaluated. Then, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used to automatically classify all the subjects as belonging to individuals with TMD and healthy subjects.
Abstract: We propose a coherent methodology for integrating different sources of information on a response variable of interest, in order to accurately predict percentiles of its distribution. Under the assumption that one of the sources is more reliable than the other(s), the approach combines factors formed from the data into an additive linear regression model. Quantile regression, designed for quantifying the goodness of fit precisely at a desired quantile, is used as the optimality criterion in model-fitting. Asymptotic confidence interval construction methods for the percentiles are adopted to compute statistical tolerance limits for the response. The approach is demonstrated on a materials science case study that pools together information on failure load from physical tests and computer model predictions. A small simulation study assesses the precision of the inferences. The methodology gives plausible percentile estimates. Resulting tolerance limits are close to nominal coverage probability levels.
Abstract: More than 2,000 persons with developmental disability trans ferred from California institutions into community care during 1993 to early 1996. Using data on 1,878 children and adults moved between April 1, 1993 and March 5, 1996, Strauss, Shavelle, Baumeister and Anderson (1998) found a corresponding increase in mortality rates by comparison with those who stayed behind. Shavelle and Strauss (1999) updated the study through 1996 and found similar results. The present study is a further update through 1999. There were 81 deaths, a 47% increase in risk-adjusted mor tality over that expected in institutions (p < 0.01). As in the two previous studies, we found that persons transferred later were at higher risk than those moving earlier, even after adjustment for differences in risk profiles. The difference cannot be explained by the short-term effects of the transfer, and therefore appear to reflect an increased mortality rate associated with the less intensive medical care and supervision available in the community.
Abstract: In this study, the data based on nucleic acid amplification tech niques (Polymerase chain reaction) consisting of 23 different transcript vari ables which are involved to investigate genetic mechanism regulating chlamy dial infection disease by measuring two different outcomes of muring C. pneumonia lung infection (disease expressed as lung weight increase and C. pneumonia load in the lung), have been analyzed. A model with fewer reduced transcript variables of interests at early infection stage has been obtained by using some of the traditional (stepwise regression, partial least squares regression (PLS)) and modern variable selection methods (least ab solute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), forward stagewise regres sion and least angle regression (LARS)). Through these variable selection methods, the variables of interest are selected to investigate the genetic mechanisms that determine the outcomes of chlamydial lung infection. The transcript variables Tim3, GATA3, Lacf, Arg2 (X4, X5, X8 and X13) are being detected as the main variables of interest to study the C. pneumonia disease (lung weight increase) or C. pneumonia lung load outcomes. Models including these key variables may provide possible answers to the problem of molecular mechanisms of chlamydial pathogenesis.
The classical works in finance and insurance for modeling asset returns is the Gaussian model. However, when modeling complex random phenomena, more flexible distributions are needed which are beyond the normal distribution. This is because most of the financial and economic data are skewed and have “fat tails”. Hence symmetric distributions like normal or others may not be good choices while modeling these kinds of data. Flexible distributions like skew normal distribution allow robust modeling of high-dimensional multimodal and asymmetric data. In this paper, we consider a very flexible financial model to construct comonotonic lower convex order bounds in approximating the distribution of the sums of dependent log skew normal random variables. The dependence structure of these random variables is based on a recently developed generalized multivariate skew normal distribution, known as unified skew normal distribution. The approximations are used to calculate the risk measure related to the distribution of terminal wealth. The accurateness of the approximation is investigated numerically. Results obtained from our methods are competitive with a more time consuming method known as Monte Carlo method.
Abstract: Incomplete data are common phenomenon in research that adopts the longitudinal design approach. If incomplete observations are present in the longitudinal data structure, ignoring it could lead to bias in statistical inference and interpretation. We adopt the disposition model and extend it to the analysis of longitudinal binary outcomes in the presence of monotone incomplete data. The response variable is modeled using a conditional logistic regression model. The nonresponse mechanism is assumed ignorable and developed as a combination of Markov’s transition and logistic regression model. MLE method is used for parameter estimation. Application of our approach to rheumatoid arthritis clinical trials is presented.