Abstract: This article concerns the Bayesian estimation of interest rate mod els based on Euler-Maruyama approximation. Assume the short term inter est rate follows the CIR model, an iterative method of Bayesian estimation is proposed. Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation based on Gibbs sam pler is used for the posterior estimation of the parameters. The maximum A-posteriori estimation using the genetic algorithm is employed for finding the Bayesian estimates of the parameters. The method and the algorithm are calibrated with the historical data of US Treasury bills.
Abstract: Clustered binary samples arise often in biomedical investigations. An important feature of such samples is that the binary responses within clusters tend to be correlated. The Beta-Binomial model is commonly applied to account for the intra-cluster correlation – the correlation between responses within the clusters – among dichotomous outcomes in cluster sampling. The intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC) quantifies this correlation or level of similarity. In this paper, we propose Bayesian point and interval estimators for the ICC under the Beta-Binomial model. Using Laplace’s method, the asymptotic posterior distribution of the ICC is approximated by a normal distribution. The posterior mean of this normal density is used as a central point estimator for the ICC, and 95% credible sets are calculated. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the coverage probability and average length of the credible set of the proposed interval estimator. The simulations indicate that for the situation when the number of clusters is above 40, the underlying mean response probability falls in the range of [0.3;0.7], and the underlying ICC values are ≤ 0.4, the proposed interval estimator performs quite well and attains the correct coverage level. Even for number of clusters as small as 20, the proposed interval estimator may still be useful in the case of small ICC (≤ 0.2).