Alternative Tests of Independence in Two-Way Categorical Tables
Volume 5, Issue 2 (2007), pp. 217–237
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Research Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
Abstract: The chi-squared test for independence in two-way categorical tables depends on the assumptions that the data follow the multinomial distribution. Thus, we suggest alternatives when the assumptions of multi nomial distribution do not hold. First, we consider the Bayes factor which is used for hypothesis testing in Bayesian statistics. Unfortunately, this has the problem that it is sensitive to the choice of prior distributions. We note here that the intrinsic Bayes factor is not appropriate because the prior distribu tions under consideration are all proper. Thus, we propose using Bayesian estimation which is generally not as sensitive to prior specifications as the Bayes factor. Our approach is to construct a 95% simultaneous credible re gion (i.e., a hyper-rectangle) for the interactions. A test that all interactions are zero is equivalent to a test of independence in two-way categorical tables. Thus, a 95% simultaneous credible region of the interactions provides a test of independence by inversion.