The COVID-19 outbreak of 2020 has required many governments to develop and adopt mathematical-statistical models of the pandemic for policy and planning purposes. To this end, this work provides a tutorial on building a compartmental model using Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered, Deaths and Vaccinated (SEIRDV) status through time. The proposed model uses interventions to quantify the impact of various government attempts made to slow the spread of the virus. Furthermore, a vaccination parameter is also incorporated in the model, which is inactive until the time the vaccine is deployed. A Bayesian framework is utilized to perform both parameter estimation and prediction. Predictions are made to determine when the peak Active Infections occur. We provide inferential frameworks for assessing the effects of government interventions on the dynamic progression of the pandemic, including the impact of vaccination. The proposed model also allows for quantification of number of excess deaths averted over the study period due to vaccination.
Inspired by the impressive successes of compress sensing-based machine learning algorithms, data augmentation-based efficient Gibbs samplers for Bayesian high-dimensional classification models are developed by compressing the design matrix to a much lower dimension. Ardent care is exercised in the choice of the projection mechanism, and an adaptive voting rule is employed to reduce sensitivity to the random projection matrix. Focusing on the high-dimensional Probit regression model, we note that the naive implementation of the data augmentation-based Gibbs sampler is not robust to the presence of co-linearity in the design matrix – a setup ubiquitous in $n\lt p$ problems. We demonstrate that a simple fix based on joint updates of parameters in the latent space circumnavigates this issue. With a computationally efficient MCMC scheme in place, we introduce an ensemble classifier by creating R ($\sim 25$–50) projected copies of the design matrix, and subsequently running R classification models with the R projected design matrix in parallel. We combine the output from the R replications via an adaptive voting scheme. Our scheme is inherently parallelizable and capable of taking advantage of modern computing environments often equipped with multiple cores. The empirical success of our methodology is illustrated in elaborate simulations and gene expression data applications. We also extend our methodology to a high-dimensional logistic regression model and carry out numerical studies to showcase its efficacy.
Multi-touch attribution (MTA) estimates the relative contributions of the multiple ads a user may see prior to any observed conversions. Increasingly, advertisers also want to base budget and bidding decisions on these attributions, spending more on ads that drive more conversions. We describe two requirements for an MTA system to be suitable for this application: First, it must be able to handle continuously updated and incomplete data. Second, it must be sufficiently flexible to capture that an ad’s effect will change over time. We describe an MTA system, consisting of a model for user conversion behavior and a credit assignment algorithm, that satisfies these requirements. Our model for user conversion behavior treats conversions as occurrences in an inhomogeneous Poisson process, while our attribution algorithm is based on iteratively removing the last ad in the path.
Research has continued to shed light on the extent and significance of gender disparity in social, cultural and economic spheres. More recently, computational tools from the data science and Natural Language Processing (NLP) communities have been proposed for measuring such disparity at scale using empirically rigorous methodologies. In this article, we contribute to this line of research by studying gender disparity in 2,443 copyright-expired literary texts published in the pre-modern period, defined in this work as the period ranging from the beginning of the nineteenth through the early twentieth century. Using a replicable data science methodology relying on publicly available and established NLP components, we extract three different gendered character prevalence measures within these texts. We use an extensive set of statistical tests to robustly demonstrate a significant disparity between the prevalence of female characters and male characters in pre-modern literature. We also show that the proportion of female characters in literary texts significantly increases in female-authored texts compared to the same proportion in male-authored texts. However, regression-based analysis shows that, over the 120 year period covered by the corpus, female character prevalence does not change significantly over time, and remains below the parity level of 50%, regardless of the gender of the author. Qualitative analyses further show that descriptions associated with female characters across the corpus are markedly different (and stereotypical) from the descriptions associated with male characters.
Pub. online:21 Apr 2023Type:Statistical Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2023): Special Issue: Symposium Data Science and Statistics 2022, pp. 412–427
The use of error spending functions and stopping rules has become a powerful tool for conducting interim analyses. The implementation of an interim analysis is broadly desired not only in traditional clinical trials but also in A/B tests. Although many papers have summarized error spending approaches, limited work has been done in the context of large-scale data that assists in finding the “optimal” boundary. In this paper, we summarized fifteen boundaries that consist of five error spending functions that allow early termination for futility, difference, or both, as well as a fixed sample size design without interim monitoring. The simulation is based on a practical A/B testing problem comparing two independent proportions. We examine sample sizes across a range of values from 500 to 250,000 per arm to reflect different settings where A/B testing may be utilized. The choices of optimal boundaries are summarized using a proposed loss function that incorporates different weights for the expected sample size under a null experiment with no difference between variants, the expected sample size under an experiment with a difference in the variants, and the maximum sample size needed if the A/B test did not stop early at an interim analysis. The results are presented for simulation settings based on adequately powered, under-powered, and over-powered designs with recommendations for selecting the “optimal” design in each setting.
Pub. online:31 Mar 2023Type:Computing In Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2023): Special Issue: Symposium Data Science and Statistics 2022, pp. 333–353
High-Order Markov Chains (HOMC) are conventional models, based on transition probabilities, that are used by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to study crop-rotation patterns over time. However, HOMCs routinely suffer from sparsity and identifiability issues because the categorical data are represented as indicator (or dummy) variables. In fact, the dimension of the parametric space increases exponentially with the order of HOMCs required for analysis. While parsimonious representations reduce the number of parameters, as has been shown in the literature, they often result in less accurate predictions. Most parsimonious models are trained on big data structures, which can be compressed and efficiently processed using alternative algorithms. Consequently, a thorough evaluation and comparison of the prediction results obtain using a new HOMC algorithm and different types of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) across a range of agricultural conditions is warranted to determine which model is most appropriate for operational crop specific land cover prediction of United States (US) agriculture. In this paper, six neural network models are applied to crop rotation data between 2011 and 2021 from six agriculturally intensive counties, which reflect the range of major crops grown and a variety of crop rotation patterns in the Midwest and southern US. The six counties include: Renville, North Dakota; Perkins, Nebraska; Hale, Texas; Livingston, Illinois; McLean, Illinois; and Shelby, Ohio. Results show the DNN models achieve higher overall prediction accuracy for all counties in 2021. The proposed DNN models allow for the ingestion of long time series data, and robustly achieve higher accuracy values than a new HOMC algorithm considered for predicting crop specific land cover in the US.
Pub. online:21 Mar 2023Type:Education In Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2023): Special Issue: Symposium Data Science and Statistics 2022, pp. 428–441
Although there are various ways to represent data patterns and models, visualization has been primarily taught in many data science courses for its efficiency. Such vision-dependent output may cause critical barriers against those who are blind and visually impaired and people with learning disabilities. We argue that instructors need to teach multiple data representation methods so that all students can produce data products that are more accessible. In this paper, we argue that accessibility should be taught as early as the introductory course as part of the data science curriculum so that regardless of whether learners major in data science or not, they can have foundational exposure to accessibility. As data science educators who teach accessibility as part of our lower-division courses in two different institutions, we share specific examples that can be utilized by other data science instructors.
Pub. online:15 Mar 2023Type:Computing In Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2023): Special Issue: Symposium Data Science and Statistics 2022, pp. 295–309
The reputation of the maximum pseudolikelihood estimator (MPLE) for Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) has undergone a drastic change over the past 30 years. While first receiving broad support, mainly due to its computational feasibility and the lack of alternatives, general opinions started to change with the introduction of approximate maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) methods that became practicable due to increasing computing power and the introduction of MCMC methods. Previous comparison studies appear to yield contradicting results regarding the preference of these two point estimators; however, there is consensus that the prevailing method to obtain an MPLE’s standard error by the inverse Hessian matrix generally underestimates standard errors. We propose replacing the inverse Hessian matrix by an approximation of the Godambe matrix that results in confidence intervals with appropriate coverage rates and that, in addition, enables examining for model degeneracy. Our results also provide empirical evidence for the asymptotic normality of the MPLE under certain conditions.
Pub. online:14 Mar 2023Type:Statistical Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2023): Special Issue: Symposium Data Science and Statistics 2022, pp. 354–367
We propose a scalable Bayesian network learning algorithm based on sparse Cholesky decomposition. Our approach only requires observational data and user-specified confidence level as inputs and can estimate networks with thousands of variables. The computational complexity of the proposed method is $O({p^{3}})$ for a graph with p vertices. Extensive numerical experiments illustrate the usefulness of our method with promising results. In simulation, the initial step in our approach also improves an alternative Bayesian network structure estimation method that uses an undirected graph as an input.