Pub. online:19 Apr 2022Type:Statistical Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 3 (2023): Special Issue: Advances in Network Data Science, pp. 470–489
Networks are ubiquitous in today’s world. Community structure is a well-known feature of many empirical networks, and a lot of statistical methods have been developed for community detection. In this paper, we consider the problem of community extraction in text networks, which is greatly relevant in medical errors and patient safety databases. We adapt a well-known community extraction method to develop a scalable algorithm for extracting groups of similar documents in large text databases. The application of our method on a real-world patient safety report system demonstrates that the groups generated from community extraction are much more accurate than manual tagging by frontline workers.
Sport climbing, which made its Olympic debut at the 2020 Summer Games, generally consists of three separate disciplines: speed climbing, bouldering, and lead climbing. However, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) only allowed one set of medals each for men and women in sport climbing. As a result, the governing body of sport climbing, rather than choosing only one of the three disciplines to include in the Olympics, decided to create a competition combining all three disciplines. In order to determine a winner, a combined scoring system was created using the product of the ranks across the three disciplines to determine an overall score for each climber. In this work, the rank-product scoring system of sport climbing is evaluated through simulation to investigate its general features, specifically, the advancement probabilities and scores for climbers given certain placements. Additionally, analyses of historical climbing contest results are presented and real examples of violations of the independence of irrelevant alternatives are illustrated. Finally, this work finds evidence that the current competition format is putting speed climbers at a disadvantage.
Pub. online:14 Apr 2022Type:Data Science In ActionOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2022): Special Issue: Data Science Meets Social Sciences, pp. 401–411
Defined as perseverance and passion for long term goals, grit represents an important psychological skill toward goal-attainment in academic and less-stylized settings. An outstanding issue of primary importance is whether age affects grit, ceteris paribus. The 12-item Grit-O Scale and the 8-item Grit-S Scale—from which grit scores are calculated—have not existed for a long period of time. Therefore, Duckworth (2016, p. 37) states in her book, Grit: The Power and Passion of Perseverance, that “we need a different kind of study” to distinguish between rival explanations that either generational cohort or age are more important in explaining variation in grit across individuals. Despite this clear data constraint, we obtain a glimpse into the future in the present study by using a within and between generational cohort age difference-in-difference approach. By specifying generation as a categorical variable and age-in-generation as a count variable in the same regression specifications, we are able to account for the effects of variation in age and generation simultaneously, while avoiding problems of multicollinearity that would hinder post-regression statistical inference. We conclude robust, significant evidence that the negative-parabolic shape of the grit-age profile is driven by generational variation and not by age variation. Our findings suggest that, absent a grit-mindset intervention, individual-level grit may be persistent over time.
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2022): Special Issue: Data Science Meets Social Sciences, pp. 413–436
This paper provides an overview of how to use “big data” for social science research (with an emphasis on economics and finance). We investigate the performance and ease of use of different Spark applications running on a distributed file system to enable the handling and analysis of data sets which were previously not usable due to their size. More specifically, we explain how to use Spark to (i) explore big data sets which exceed retail grade computers memory size and (ii) run typical statistical/econometric tasks including cross sectional, panel data and time series regression models which are prohibitively expensive to evaluate on stand-alone machines. By bridging the gap between the abstract concept of Spark and ready-to-use examples which can easily be altered to suite the researchers need, we provide economists and social scientists more generally with the theory and practice to handle the ever growing datasets available. The ease of reproducing the examples in this paper makes this guide a useful reference for researchers with a limited background in data handling and distributed computing.
The complexity of energy infrastructure at large institutions increasingly calls for data-driven monitoring of energy usage. This article presents a hybrid monitoring algorithm for detecting consumption surges using statistical hypothesis testing, leveraging the posterior distribution and its information about uncertainty to introduce randomness in the parameter estimates, while retaining the frequentist testing framework. This hybrid approach is designed to be asymptotically equivalent to the Neyman-Pearson test. We show via extensive simulation studies that the hybrid approach enjoys control over type-1 error rate even with finite sample sizes whereas the naive plug-in method tends to exceed the specified level, resulting in overpowered tests. The proposed method is applied to the natural gas usage data at the University of Connecticut.
Statistical models for clinical risk prediction are often derived using data from primary care databases; however, they are frequently used outside of clinical settings. The use of prediction models in epidemiological studies without external validation may lead to inaccurate results. We use the example of applying the QRISK3 model to data from the United Kingdom (UK) Biobank study to illustrate the challenges and provide suggestions for future authors. The QRISK3 model is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as a tool to aid cardiovascular risk prediction in English and Welsh primary care patients aged between 40 and 74. QRISK3 has not been externally validated for use in studies where data is collected for more general scientific purposes, including the UK Biobank study. This lack of external validation is important as the QRISK3 scores of participants in UK Biobank have been used and reported in several publications. This paper outlines: (i) how various publications have used QRISK3 on UK Biobank data and (ii) the ways that the lack of external validation may affect the conclusions from these publications. We then propose potential solutions for addressing these challenges; for example, model recalibration and considering alternative models, for the application of traditional statistical models such as QRISK3, in cohorts without external validation.
The spreading pattern of COVID-19 in the early months of the pandemic differs a lot across the states in the US under different quarantine measures and reopening policies. We proposed to cluster the US states into distinct communities based on the daily new confirmed case counts from March 22 to July 25 via a nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) followed by a k-means clustering procedure on the coefficients of the NMF basis. A cross-validation method was employed to select the rank of the NMF. The method clustered the 49 continental states (including the District of Columbia) into 7 groups, two of which contained a single state. To investigate the dynamics of the clustering results over time, the same method was successively applied to the time periods with an increment of one week, starting from the period of March 22 to March 28. The results suggested a change point in the clustering in the week starting on May 30, caused by a combined impact of both quarantine measures and reopening policies.
The present paper addresses computational and numerical challenges when working with t copulas and their more complicated extensions, the grouped t and skew t copulas. We demonstrate how the R package nvmix can be used to work with these copulas. In particular, we discuss (quasi-)random sampling and fitting. We highlight the difficulties arising from using more complicated models, such as the lack of availability of a joint density function or the lack of an analytical form of the marginal quantile functions, and give possible solutions along with future research ideas.
Pub. online:4 Jan 2022Type:Statistical Data ScienceOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2022): Special Issue: Data Science Meets Social Sciences, pp. 303–324
We study the importance of group structure in grouped functional time series. Due to the non-uniqueness of group structure, we investigate different disaggregation structures in grouped functional time series. We address a practical question on whether or not the group structure can affect forecast accuracy. Using a dynamic multivariate functional time series method, we consider joint modeling and forecasting multiple series. Illustrated by Japanese sub-national age-specific mortality rates from 1975 to 2016, we investigate one- to 15-step-ahead point and interval forecast accuracies for the two group structures.
Pub. online:30 Dec 2021Type:Data Science In ActionOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 3 (2023): Special Issue: Advances in Network Data Science, pp. 557–577
In this study, we examine a set of primary data collected from 484 students enrolled in a large public university in the Mid-Atlantic United States region during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The data, called Ties data, included students’ demographic and support network information. The support network data comprised of information that highlighted the type of support, (i.e. emotional or educational; routine or intense). Using this data set, models for predicting students’ academic achievement, quantified by their self-reported GPA, were created using Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID), a decision tree algorithm, and cforest, a random forest algorithm that uses conditional inference trees. We compare the methods’ accuracy and variation in the set of important variables suggested by each algorithm. Each algorithm found different variables important for different student demographics with some overlap. For White students, different types of educational support were important in predicting academic achievement, while for non-White students, different types of emotional support were important in predicting academic achievement. The presence of differing types of routine support were important in predicting academic achievement for cisgender women, while differing types of intense support were important in predicting academic achievement for cisgender men.