Estimates of county-level disease prevalence have a variety of applications. Such estimation is often done via model-based small-area estimation using survey data. However, for conditions with low prevalence (i.e., rare diseases or newly diagnosed diseases), counties with a high fraction of zero counts in surveys are common. They are often more common than the model used would lead one to expect; such zeros are called ‘excess zeros’. The excess zeros can be structural (there are no cases to find) or sampling (there are cases, but none were selected for sampling). These issues are often addressed by combining multiple years of data. However, this approach can obscure trends in annual estimates and prevent estimates from being timely. Using single-year survey data, we proposed a Bayesian weighted Binomial Zero-inflated (BBZ) model to estimate county-level rare diseases prevalence. The BBZ model accounts for excess zero counts, the sampling weights and uses a power prior. We evaluated BBZ with American Community Survey results and simulated data. We showed that BBZ yielded less bias and smaller variance than estimates based on the binomial distribution, a common approach to this problem. Since BBZ uses only a single year of survey data, BBZ produces more timely county-level incidence estimates. These timely estimates help pinpoint the special areas of county-level needs and help medical researchers and public health practitioners promptly evaluate rare diseases trends and associations with other health conditions.
Pub. online:20 Jun 2022Type:Data Science In ActionOpen Access
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 20, Issue 3 (2022): Special Issue: Data Science Meets Social Sciences, pp. 381–399
Predictive automation is a pervasive and archetypical example of the digital economy. Studying how Americans evaluate predictive automation is important because it affects corporate and state governance. However, we have relevant questions unanswered. We lack comparisons across use cases using a nationally representative sample. We also have yet to determine what are the key predictors of evaluations of predictive automation. This article uses the American Trends Panel’s 2018 wave ($n=4,594$) to study whether American adults think predictive automation is fair across four use cases: helping credit decisions, assisting parole decisions, filtering job applicants based on interview videos, and assessing job candidates based on resumes. Results from lasso regressions trained with 112 predictors reveal that people’s evaluations of predictive automation align with their views about social media, technology, and politics.
The ratio of two Gaussians is useful in many contexts of statistical inference. We discuss statistically valid inference of the ratio under Differential Privacy (DP). We use the delta method to derive the asymptotic distribution of the ratio estimator and use the Gaussian mechanism to provide (epsilon, delta)-DP guarantees. Like many statistics, quantities involved in the inference of a ratio can be re-written as functions of sums, and sums are easy to work with for many reasons. In the context of DP, the sensitivity of a sum is easy to calculate. We focus on getting the correct coverage probability of 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the DP ratio estimator. Our simulations show that the no-correction method, which ignores the DP noise, gives CIs that are too narrow to provide proper coverage for small samples. In our specific simulation scenario, the coverage of 95% CIs can be as low as below 10%. We propose two methods to mitigate the under-coverage issue, one based on Monte Carlo simulation and the other based on analytical correction. We show that the CIs of our methods have much better coverage with reasonable privacy budgets. In addition, our methods can handle weighted data, when the weights are fixed and bounded.
As data acquisition technologies advance, longitudinal analysis is facing challenges of exploring complex feature patterns from high-dimensional data and modeling potential temporally lagged effects of features on a response. We propose a tensor-based model to analyze multidimensional data. It simultaneously discovers patterns in features and reveals whether features observed at past time points have impact on current outcomes. The model coefficient, a k-mode tensor, is decomposed into a summation of k tensors of the same dimension. We introduce a so-called latent F-1 norm that can be applied to the coefficient tensor to performed structured selection of features. Specifically, features will be selected along each mode of the tensor. The proposed model takes into account within-subject correlations by employing a tensor-based quadratic inference function. An asymptotic analysis shows that our model can identify true support when the sample size approaches to infinity. To solve the corresponding optimization problem, we develop a linearized block coordinate descent algorithm and prove its convergence for a fixed sample size. Computational results on synthetic datasets and real-life fMRI and EEG datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed approach over existing techniques.
With multiple components and relations, financial data are often presented as graph data, since it could represent both the individual features and the complicated relations. Due to the complexity and volatility of the financial market, the graph constructed on the financial data is often heterogeneous or time-varying, which imposes challenges on modeling technology. Among the graph modeling technologies, graph neural network (GNN) models are able to handle the complex graph structure and achieve great performance and thus could be used to solve financial tasks. In this work, we provide a comprehensive review of GNN models in recent financial context. We first categorize the commonly-used financial graphs and summarize the feature processing step for each node. Then we summarize the GNN methodology for each graph type, application in each area, and propose some potential research areas.
Journal:Journal of Data Science
Volume 21, Issue 3 (2023): Special Issue: Advances in Network Data Science, pp. 599–618
Social network data often contain missing values because of the sensitive nature of the information collected and the dependency among the network actors. As a response, network imputation methods including simple ones constructed from network structural characteristics and more complicated model-based ones have been developed. Although past studies have explored the influence of missing data on social networks and the effectiveness of imputation procedures in many missing data conditions, the current study aims to evaluate a more extensive set of eight network imputation techniques (i.e., null-tie, Reconstruction, Preferential Attachment, Constrained Random Dot Product Graph, Multiple Imputation by Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models or BERGMs, k-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, and Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations) under more practical conditions through comprehensive simulation. A factorial design for missing data conditions is adopted with factors including missing data types, missing data mechanisms, and missing data proportions, which are applied to generated social networks with varying numbers of actors based on 4 different sets of coefficients in ERGMs. Results show that the effectiveness of imputation methods differs by missing data types, missing data mechanisms, the evaluation criteria used, and the complexity of the social networks. More complex methods such as the BERGMs have consistently good performances in recovering missing edges that should have been present. While simpler methods like Reconstruction work better in recovering network statistics when the missing proportion of present edges is low, the BERGMs work better when more present edges are missing. The BERGMs also work well in recovering ERGM coefficients when the networks are complex and the missing data type is actor non-response. In conclusion, researchers analyzing social networks with incomplete data should identify the network structures of interest and the potential missing data types before selecting appropriate imputation methods.
When releasing data to the public, a vital concern is the risk of exposing personal information of the individuals who have contributed to the data set. Many mechanisms have been proposed to protect individual privacy, though less attention has been dedicated to practically conducting valid inferences on the altered privacy-protected data sets. For frequency tables, the privacy-protection-oriented perturbations often lead to negative cell counts. Releasing such tables can undermine users’ confidence in the usefulness of such data sets. This paper focuses on releasing one-way frequency tables. We recommend an optimal mechanism that satisfies ϵ-differential privacy (DP) without suffering from having negative cell counts. The procedure is optimal in the sense that the expected utility is maximized under a given privacy constraint. Valid inference procedures for testing goodness-of-fit are also developed for the DP privacy-protected data. In particular, we propose a de-biased test statistic for the optimal procedure and derive its asymptotic distribution. In addition, we also introduce testing procedures for the commonly used Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms, which provide a good finite sample approximation for the null distributions. Moreover, the decaying rate requirements for the privacy regime are provided for the inference procedures to be valid. We further consider common users’ practices such as merging related or neighboring cells or integrating statistical information obtained across different data sources and derive valid testing procedures when these operations occur. Simulation studies show that our inference results hold well even when the sample size is relatively small. Comparisons with the current field standards, including the Laplace, the Gaussian (both with/without post-processing of replacing negative cell counts with zeros), and the Binomial-Beta McClure-Reiter mechanisms, are carried out. In the end, we apply our method to the National Center for Early Development and Learning’s (NCEDL) multi-state studies data to demonstrate its practical applicability.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a sudden need for a wider uptake of home-based telework as means of sustaining the production. Generally, teleworking arrangements impact directly worker’s efficiency and motivation. The direction of this impact, however, depends on the balance between positive effects of teleworking (e.g. increased flexibility and autonomy) and its downsides (e.g. blurring boundaries between private and work life). Moreover, these effects of teleworking can be amplified in case of vulnerable groups of workers, such as women. The first step in understanding the implications of teleworking on women is to have timely information on the extent of teleworking by age and gender. In the absence of timely official statistics, in this paper we propose a method for nowcasting the teleworking trends by age and gender for 20 Italian regions using mobile network operators (MNO) data. The method is developed and validated using MNO data together with the Italian quarterly Labour Force Survey. Our results confirm that the MNO data have the potential to be used as a tool for monitoring gender and age differences in teleworking patterns. This tool becomes even more important today as it could support the adequate gender mainstreaming in the ‘Next Generation EU’ recovery plan and help to manage related social impacts of COVID-19 through policymaking.
For large observational studies lacking a control group (unlike randomized controlled trials, RCT), propensity scores (PS) are often the method of choice to account for pre-treatment confounding in baseline characteristics, and thereby avoid substantial bias in treatment estimation. A vast majority of PS techniques focus on average treatment effect estimation, without any clear consensus on how to account for confounders, especially in a multiple treatment setting. Furthermore, for time-to event outcomes, the analytical framework is further complicated in presence of high censoring rates (sometimes, due to non-susceptibility of study units to a disease), imbalance between treatment groups, and clustered nature of the data (where, survival outcomes appear in groups). Motivated by a right-censored kidney transplantation dataset derived from the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS), we investigate and compare two recent promising PS procedures, (a) the generalized boosted model (GBM), and (b) the covariate-balancing propensity score (CBPS), in an attempt to decouple the causal effects of treatments (here, study subgroups, such as hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive/negative donors, and positive/negative recipients) on time to death of kidney recipients due to kidney failure, post transplantation. For estimation, we employ a 2-step procedure which addresses various complexities observed in the UNOS database within a unified paradigm. First, to adjust for the large number of confounders on the multiple sub-groups, we fit multinomial PS models via procedures (a) and (b). In the next stage, the estimated PS is incorporated into the likelihood of a semi-parametric cure rate Cox proportional hazard frailty model via inverse probability of treatment weighting, adjusted for multi-center clustering and excess censoring, Our data analysis reveals a more informative and superior performance of the full model in terms of treatment effect estimation, over sub-models that relaxes the various features of the event time dataset.
Popular music genre preferences can be measured by consumer sales, listening habits, and critics’ opinions. We analyze trends in genre preferences from 1974 through 2018 presented in annual Billboard Hot 100 charts and annual Village Voice Pazz & Jop critics’ polls. We model yearly counts of appearances in these lists for eight music genres with two multinomial logit models, using various demographic, social, and industry variables as predictors. Since the counts are correlated over time, we use a partial likelihood approach to fit the models. Our models provide strong fits to the observed genre proportions and illuminate trends in the popularity of genres over the sampled years, such as the rise of country music and the decline of rock music in consumer preferences, and the rise of rap/hip-hop in popularity among both consumers and critics. We forecast the genre proportions (for consumers and critics) for 2019 using fitted multinomial probabilities constructed from forecasts of 2019 predictor values and compare our Hot 100 forecasts to observed 2019 Hot 100 proportions. We model over time the association between consumer and critics’ preferences using Cramér’s measure of association between nominal variables and forecast how this association might trend in the future.