Abstract: Methods used to detect differentially expressed genes in situations with one control and one treatment are t-tests. These methods do not per- form well when control and treatment variances are different. In situations with a control and more than one treatment, it is common to apply analysis of variance followed by a Tukey and/or Duncan test to identify which treat- ment caused the difference. We propose a Bayesian approach for multiple comparison analysis which is very useful in the context of DNA microarray experiments. It uses a priori Dirichlet process and Polya urn scheme. It is a unified procedure (for cases with one or more treatments) which detects differentially expressed genes and identify treatments causing the difference. We use simulations to verify the performance of the proposed method and compare it with usual methods. In cases with control and one treatment and control and more than one treatment followed by Tukey and Duncan tests, the method presents better performance when variances are different. The method is applied to two real data sets. In these cases, genes not detected by usual methods are identified by the proposed method.
Abstract: A crucial problem in knowledge space theory, a modern psy chological test theory, is the derivation of a realistic knowledge structure representing the organization of knowledge in an information domain and examinee population under reference. Often, one is left with the problem of selecting among candidate competing knowledge structures. This article proposes a measure for the selection among competing knowledge structures. It is derived within an operational framework (prediction paradigm), and is partly based on the unitary method of proportional reduction in predictive error as advocated by the authors Guttman, Goodman, and Kruskal. In particular, this measure is designed to trade off the (descriptive) fit and size of a knowledge structure, which is of high interest in knowledge space theory. The proposed approach is compared with the Correlational Agreement Coef ficient, which has been recently discussed for the selection among competing surmise relations. Their performances as selection measures are compared in a simulation study using the fundamental basic local independence model in knowledge space theory
Abstract: Recently, count regression models have been used to model over dispersed and zero-inflated count response variable that is affected by one or more covariates. Generalized Poisson (GP) and negative binomial (NB) regression models have been suggested to deal with over-dispersion. Zero inflated count regression models such as the zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP), zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) and zero-inflated generalized Pois son (ZIGP) regression models have been used to handle count data with many zeros. The aim of this study is to model the number of C. caretta hatchlings dying from exposure to the sun. We present an evaluation frame work to the suitability of applying the Poisson, NB, GP, ZIP and ZIGP to zoological data set where the count data may exhibit evidence of many zeros and over-dispersion. Estimation of the model parameters using the method of maximum likelihood (ML) is provided. Based on the score test and the goodness of fit measure for zoological data, the GP regression model performs better than other count regression models.
Abstract: Kang (2006) used the log-likelihood function with Lagrangian multipliers for estimation of cell probabilities in two-way incomplete contingency tables. The constraints on cell probabilities can be incorporated through Lagrangian multipliers for the likelihood function. The method can be readily extended to multidimensional tables. Variances of the MLEs are derived from the matrix of second derivatives of the log likelihood with respect to cell probabilities and the Lagrange multiplier. Wald and likelihood ratio tests of independence are derived using the estimates and estimated variances. Simulation results, when data are missing at random, reveal that maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) produces more efficient estimates of population proportions than either multiple imputation (MI) based on data augmentation or complete case (CC) analysis. Neither MLE nor MI, however, leads to an improvement over CC analysis with respect to power of tests for independence in 2×2 tables. Thus, the partially classified marginal information increases precision about proportions, but is not helpful for judging independence.
Abstract: A survival model is derived from the exponential function using the concept of fractional differentiation. The hazard function of the proposed model generates various shapes of curves including increasing, increasing constant-increasing, increasing-decreasing-increasing, and so-called bathtub hazard curve. The model also contains a parameter that is the maximum of the survival time.
In this paper, we define and study a four-parameter model called the transmuted Burr XII distribution. We obtain some of its mathematical properties including explicit expressions for the ordinary and incomplete moments, generating function, order statistics, probability weighted moments and entropies. We formulate and develop a log-linear model using the new distribution so-called the log-transmuted Burr XII distribution for modeling data with a unimodal failure rate function, as an alternative to the log-McDonald Burr XII, log-beta Burr XII, log-Kumaraswamy Burr XII, log-Burr XII and logistic regression models. The flexibility of the proposed models is illustrated by means of three applications to real data sets.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronvirus, which was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. In this work, we conduct a cross-sectional study to investigate how the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 may be associated with possible geographical or demographical features of the infected population. We employ a multiple index model in combination with sliced inverse regression to facilitate the relationship between the IFR and possible risk factors. To select associated features for the infection fatality rate, we utilize an adaptive Lasso penalized sliced inverse regression method, which achieves variable selection and sufficient dimension reduction simultaneously with unimportant features removed automatically. We apply the proposed method to conduct a cross-sectional study for the COVID-19 data obtained from two time points of the outbreak.
Abstract: In this article, we consider a model of time-varying volatility which generalizes the classical Black-Scholes model to include regime-switching properties. Specifically, the unobservable state variables for stock fluctuations are modeled by a Markov process, and the drift and volatility parameters take different values depending on the state of this hidden Markov process. We provide a closed-form formula for the arbitrage-free price of the European call option, when the hidden Markov process has finite number of states. Two simulation methods, the discrete diffusion method and the Markovian tree method, for computing the European call option price are presented for comparison.
In this work, we introduce a new distribution for modeling the extreme values. Some important mathematical properties of the new model are derived. We assess the performance of the maximum likelihood method in terms of biases and mean squared errors by means of a simulation study. The new model is better than some other important competitive models in modeling the repair times data and the breaking stress data.